

Last Edit: Dec. 21, 2010, 9:52 p.m.

I was playing around today, and I made a little python script that can graph functions in the terminal. It could be nicer, but I'm happy enough with it. Here's some sample output:

It can graph functions from 0 to any number (you'd want a limit so it doesn't wrap). This is a graph of sin(x)

compare.functiontogrid(function=lambda x:math.sin(x),maxx=6,scale=10,marks=15)

 +0.9|            XXXXXXXXX                                                  
 +0.8|          XX         XX                                                
 +0.7|        XX             X                                               
 +0.6|       X                X                                              
 +0.5|      X                  XX                                          X 
 +0.4|     X                     X                                       XX  
 +0.3|    X                       X                                     X    
 +0.2|   X                         X                                   X     
 +0.1|  X                           X                                 X      
 -0.1|                                 X                           X         
 -0.2|                                  X                         X          
 -0.3|                                   X                       X           
 -0.4|                                    X                     X            
 -0.5|                                     X                   X             
 -0.6|                                      XX                X              
 -0.7|                                        X             XX               
 -0.8|                                         XX         XX                 
 -0.9|                                           XXXXXXXXX                   
     |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |  
     | 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.4 4.8 5.2 5.6 6.0 6.4 6.8  

It can do a comparison bar-graph to visually compare numbers. It has three modes, and can handle negative numbers.

lst = ["one","two","longest","short"]
val = [-1,5,-3,4]

longest:-0.23%:                         #######                               :
  one  :-0.08%:                              ##                               :
 short :+0.31%:                                ########                       :
  two  :+0.38%:                                ###########                    :

val = [1,2,3,4]

  one  :0.10%:######                                                          :
  two  :0.20%:############                                                    :
longest:0.30%:###################                                             :
 short :0.40%:#########################                                       :

The last thing it can do is graph scatter plots

nums = range(20) + range(20) + range(20)
x = random.sample(nums,50)
y = random.sample(nums,50)

out = compare.coordstogrid(x,y,marks=6)

+18.0|    X X             
+17.0|   X         X      
+16.0|  X    X     X      
+15.0|       XX      X    
+14.0|X           X       
+13.0| X    X             
+12.0|              X X   
+11.0|   X X              
+10.0|          X X     X 
 +9.0|     X   X      X   
 +8.0|   X             X  
 +7.0|  X     X           
 +5.0|    XX              
 +4.0| X  X  X            
 +3.0|          X   X     
 +2.0|        X X       X 
 +1.0|           X     X  
     |  |  |  |  |  |  | 
     |  3  6  9 12 15 18 

Here are the files. Compare.py is the actual file, example.py has some examples.